How to Choose a Custom Range Hood for Your Gas Stove

June 11, 2023 11 min read

Your gas stove is a crucial part of your kitchen because they offer better temperature control and faster cooking times. It deserves the best ventilation system to keep your kitchen safe and clean. That's where a custom range hood comes in. In this ultimate guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to choose the perfect custom range hood for your gas stove.

First, we'll explain a custom range hood and its importance. You'll learn about the benefits of using a custom range hood and the types available, including wall-mounted, island, under cabinet, insert liner, and downdraft range hoods. We'll also cover the factors you should consider when choosing a custom range hood, such as size, CFM, design, noise level, material, finish, lighting, and filter type.

Next, we'll focus on gas stoves and why they require a range hood. You'll gain an understanding of how gas stoves work and the potential hazards they can pose if not adequately ventilated. We'll explain why a range hood is essential for keeping your kitchen safe, healthy, and free of smoke, fumes, and odors.

Once you understand the importance of a range hood for your gas stove, we'll guide you through choosing the right custom range hood for your specific stove and kitchen layout. We'll cover important considerations such as your stove's size and BTU output, range hood CFM and ventilation requirements, hood installation height, noise level, material, finish, lighting, and filter type. By the end of this section, you'll have a clear idea of which custom range hood is right for you.​

Learn more about how an HVAC contractor can install a range hood

Finally, we'll highlight some common mistakes to avoid when choosing a custom range hood for your gas stove. These include choosing the wrong size hood, not considering ventilation requirements, selecting the wrong filter type, picking the wrong material and finish, and overlooking noise levels. We'll help you avoid these pitfalls and ensure you have the perfect custom range hood for your gas stove and kitchen.

By the end of this ultimate guide, you'll have all the knowledge and tools you need to make an informed decision about choosing a custom range hood for your gas stove. Let's get started.

Understanding Custom Range Hoods

Understanding custom range hoods and their features is important when choosing the right appliance for your kitchen. We will dive into the different types of custom range hoods available, the benefits of using one, and the factors to consider when choosing the perfect hood for your gas stove.

What are Custom Range Hoods?

A custom range hood is a kitchen appliance that removes smoke, fumes, and odors from your kitchen while you cook. A custom range hood is designed to fit your specific stove and kitchen layout, making it more effective at ventilation and aesthetically pleasing than a standard range hood.

Benefits of Using a Custom Range Hood

Using a custom range hood has many benefits, including improved air quality, reduced moisture and heat buildup, and a cleaner kitchen. Custom range hoods can also protect your cabinets and walls from grease and smoke damage, prolong the life of your appliances, and increase your home's value. A custom range hood can also add a unique and stylish touch to your kitchen.

Types of Custom Range Hoods

There are several types of custom range hoods to choose from, including:

Wall-mounted range hoods

Wall-mounted range hoods are a popular choice for kitchens with gas stoves. They are mounted on the wall above the stove and can be ducted or ductless hoods. Wall-mounted range hoods come in various sizes, designs, and finishes to match your kitchen decor. Some models also offer additional features such as LED lighting, variable fan speeds, and automatic shut-off timers.

Island range hoods

Island range hoods are designed for kitchens with gas stoves on an island or peninsula. They are mounted on the ceiling and ducted outside the home to remove smoke and odors. They often have a higher CFM rating than wall-mounted range hoods due to their larger size and increased distance from the stove.

Under-cabinet range hoods

Under-cabinet range hoods are a popular choice for kitchens with limited space. They are mounted on the bottom of a cabinet or above the stove and can be ducted or non-ducted. They come in various sizes, designs, and finishes to match your kitchen decor.

Custom range hood inserts

Custom range hood inserts, also known as liner inserts or power packs, are a great option if you want to customize the look of your range hood. They are designed to be installed inside a custom-made range hood enclosure, allowing you to create a range hood that perfectly matches your kitchen decor.

Downdraft range hoods

Downdraft range hoods are also unique for kitchens with gas stoves on an island or peninsula. They are designed to be installed directly behind the cooktop and can be raised or lowered to remove smoke and odors. Some models offer additional features such as variable fan speeds, automatic shut-off timers, and filter indicators.

Factors To Consider When Choosing a Custom Range Hood

Choosing the best range hood for your gas stove requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some important factors to keep in mind when selecting a custom range hood:

Hood size and CFM

    The size and CFM rating of the range hood is critical in ensuring proper ventilation in your kitchen. The hood size should match the size of your gas stove, and the CFM rating should be sufficient to remove smoke, grease, and odors from your cooking area. Generally, the hood should have a minimum of 100 CFM per linear foot of the stove.

    Hood design and style

    Custom range hoods come in various designs and styles to fit your kitchen decor. You can choose from an island, wall-mounted, downdraft, insert liner, or under-cabinet range hood. The design and style of the best range hoods should complement your kitchen and blend seamlessly with your cabinets and countertops.

    Noise level

    The noise level of the range hood can be a concern, mainly if your kitchen is located near living or sleeping areas. Look for range hoods with low decibel ratings to minimize cooking noise levels.

    Material and finish

    Custom range hoods are available in various materials and finishes, including copper, brass, and stainless steel hoods. Consider each material's durability, maintenance requirements, and aesthetics before making your final selection.

    Lighting options

    Lighting is an essential factor to consider when selecting a custom range hood. Look for hoods with built-in LED lights to provide ample lighting for your cooking area. Some range hoods also feature dimming options, allowing you to adjust the light level to your preference.

    Filter type

    Range hoods typically use baffle or mesh filters; some even use charcoal filters. Baffle filters are more effective at trapping grease and require less maintenance than mesh filters. Mesh filters are easier to clean and maintain but may be less effective at removing grease. Charcoal filters are primarily for odor and smoke removal.

    Considering these factors, you can choose a custom range hood that meets your ventilation needs, complements your kitchen decor, and provides efficient and effective smoke and odor removal.

    Custom Range Hoods for Your Gas Stove

    If you have a gas stove in your kitchen, it is essential to have a range hood installed as well. Custom range hoods are gorgeous ventilation system that adds style to any kitchen, but their primary function is to help maintain a clean cooking environment. Gas stoves produce heat by burning natural gas or propane, which can produce smoke, steam, and grease. These pollutants can spread throughout your kitchen without proper ventilation, leaving a foul smell and even causing respiratory issues. Here are some notable reasons why a is an indispensable part of your gas stove setup.:

    • To safely vent out poisonous gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon dioxide often released when gas is used for cooking.
    • Ensure that grease and oil droplets emitted during cooking do not accumulate around the gas stove, which could pose a fire risk.
    • Prevent condensation from cooking steam and vapor from building up, making it hard to see while cooking and can cause accidents.
    • Reduce the number of irritating unintentional activations of the smoke and fire alarms in the kitchen.
    • Reduced cleaning cost and effort as the gas range would have significantly less dust and cooking remnants on its surface.

    How to Choose a Custom Range Hood for Your Gas Stove

    These are the minimum values and factors you have to know before getting a custom hood:

    The CFM Rating of the Range Hood Fan

    The CFM rating of your custom range hood is the most crucial detail to get right because it determines how effective it will be. The CFM rating (cubic feet per minute) is the volume of air your custom range hood can vent out in a minute. The guiding principle is that your range hood should be powerful enough to exchange all the air in the kitchen every 4 minutes.

    The Size of the Custom Hood

    For gas stoves, size does matter, and the custom hood should be large enough to vent air quickly. The standard rule is that a custom range hood should be at least as wide as the gas stovetop and preferably 3 inches longer on each side. This will give the range hood adequate air capture coverage over the gas stove. With a large custom hood, you can install a large range hood insert with powerful blowers to help vent the air out of the room faster.

    BTUs (British Thermal Units) Output of Your Gas Stove

    When selecting a range hood, it is essential to consider the BTU output of your gas stove to ensure the installation right range hood that can handle the heat and ventilation requirements. BTU, or British Thermal Unit, is the measurement of the heat output of your stove. The higher the BTU output, the more powerful your stove and the heat it produces. A range hood with a higher CFM (cubic feet per minute) rating is required for stoves with high BTU outputs to effectively remove smoke, steam, and other impurities from the air. Selecting a range hood with a CFM rating equal to your stove's BTU output is recommended; a higher rating is preferable for better performance.

     Hood Installation Height

    The height at which you install your range and vent hoods is also crucial. When cooking, the vent hood should be installed at a height that allows maximum smoke and steam capture. For gas stoves, the recommended installation height is typically 24 to 30 inches above the cooktop.

    The Ducting System

    The ductwork is a crucial component of custom range hoods for gas stoves, ensuring the ventilation system functions properly. Without proper ductwork, the range hood may not be able to effectively vent out the air in the kitchen, leading to poor indoor air quality and potentially dangerous situations.

    Regarding the minimum dimensions for ductwork, the size will depend on the CFM (cubic feet per minute) rating of the range hood and the length of the duct run. As a general rule, it's recommended to use 6-inch diameter ductwork for range hoods that have a CFM rating of up to 400. For higher CFM ratings, larger ductwork may be necessary. Additionally, the length of the duct run should be kept as short and straight as possible, with minimal bends or turns, to ensure optimal performance.

    Filter type

    The filter type is important when choosing a custom range hood for your gas stove. There are two types of filters: reusable and disposable. Reusable filters are made of metal and can be cleaned and reused, while disposable filters are made of paper or other materials and must be replaced regularly.

    For gas stoves, it is recommended to use a range hood with a baffle filter. Baffle filters are designed to trap grease and other particles more effectively than different filter types, making them ideal for gas stoves that produce high levels of smoke and grease. They are also easier to clean and maintain than other filter types, as they can be cleaned in a dishwasher or with soap and water.

    Material and finish

    The material and finish of your custom range hood should complement the style of your kitchen and the type of cooking you do. It is important to consider the finish of your range hood, whether brushed or polished, to match the other finishes in your kitchen. If you have a high-end gas stove with a unique finish, consider a custom range hood with a matching finish or color to create a cohesive look. When selecting a custom range hood based on material and finish, it's essential to consider its durability, maintenance requirements, and overall aesthetics to ensure it complements your kitchen design.

    Noise level

    A loud range hood can be distracting and annoying and make conversation difficult. Look for range hoods with a low sone rating, which indicates quieter operation.

    Range hood noise is measured in sones, and a sone rating of 6 or less is generally considered quiet, while a rating of 10 or more is considered loud.You can also look for range hoods with variable speed settings, which allow you to adjust the noise level according to your needs. Additionally, range hoods with insulated ductwork or sound-absorbing materials can also help reduce noise.

    Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Custom Range Hood for Your Gas Stove

    When choosing a custom range hood for your gas stove, there are several common mistakes that you should avoid. These mistakes can lead to ineffective ventilation, safety hazards, and a range hood that doesn't meet your needs. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

    Focusing solely on aesthetics rather than functionality

      Focusing exclusively on aesthetics refers to prioritizing the appearance or design of a range hood over its functionality. While your range hood style is important, it's essential to consider how well it will work in your kitchen.

      Not considering your kitchen's height, size, and layout

      When choosing a custom range hood for your gas stove, it's important to consider your kitchen's height, size, and layout. The size of your kitchen will determine the size and power of the range hood you need, while the height of your ceiling will determine the length of the ductwork required to vent cooking byproducts outside your home. Additionally, the layout of your kitchen can affect the effectiveness of the range hood, even with outdoor hoods.

      Overlooking safety features

        Overlooking safety features is a common mistake when choosing a custom range hood for your gas stove. Safety features such as automatic shut-off in case of overheating or fire can help prevent accidents and protect your home. These features can also give you peace of mind while cooking, especially if you have children or pets.

        Choosing a range hood with a filter that requires frequent cleaning

        Choosing a range hood with a filter that requires regular cleaning can also affect its effectiveness in capturing cooking byproducts. Therefore, it's important to consider the type of filter used in the range hood and its maintenance requirements when selecting a custom range hood for your gas stove. Opting for a filter that requires less frequent cleaning or replacement can save you time and effort while ensuring optimal ventilation in your kitchen.

        Ease of installation

          Not considering the ease of installation is a common mistake when choosing a custom range hood for your gas stove. Installation can be a complicated process, especially if you're not experienced in working with ventilation systems. Selecting a range hood that's difficult to install can result in added costs and inconvenience, as you may need to hire a professional installer.

          Not selecting a custom range hood with a warranty

          A warranty can protect you from defects in materials or craft, ensuring you get a reliable and high-quality product. Without a warranty, you may be responsible for repair or replacement costs if the range hood fails prematurely or doesn't perform as expected. When selecting a custom range hood for your gas stove, look for models with a warranty to ensure you're covered for most repair and defect issues.

          Not checking for compatibility with your gas stove

          Gas stoves produce different levels of heat and cooking byproducts, and the range hood you choose should be able to capture and remove these byproducts effectively. Additionally, you should ensure that the range hood and gas stove are properly installed and that the venting system is correctly designed to avoid potential safety hazards. Before purchasing a custom range hood for your gas stove, check the manufacturer's recommendations for compatibility with your specific gas stove model.


          You should get a custom range hood for your gas stove and make your kitchen space a pleasant cooking environment. Custom range hoods' health, safety, and general aesthetic benefits make them the perfect choice for your home.